Monday, October 12, 2015

October Director Update: Training Baby Elephants

This is such an exciting time to be a part of the Scentsy Family. I love the way our businesses are moving and growing right now. All that excitement is part of the reason I've continued to "work" while having a newborn. But it's also the way that I've overwhelmed myself. 

I recently listened to another great podcast (are you tired of me saying that yet?) To check out the full podcast, click here. My favorite part of this podcast was a story that Dave Ramsey told about how you train a baby elephant. I do my best to re-tell it in the video below, but you may learn more from listening to the real deal. : ) 

Here are the questions that I asked myself after hearing the baby elephant story. It may be helpful for you to ask yourself the same questions. 

  • What lies am I believing about myself and my ability?
  • What are the limiting beliefs I have that are based on a partial truth (maybe an element of truth, but a lot of lies) that prevent me from reaching my full potential....that prevent me from making my maximum contribution as leader, as a wife, as a mom, and as a friend?
  • What am I believing about myself and my story that isn't true? or Where in my life is a false belief holding me back? 
To see what's been up at the Dalke casa lately and to hear about some things we have coming up for you as leaders, check out the video below. 

Also, I thought I would include a few links that you may find helpful. Your SuperStar Director may or may not be sending out information to your team about the following upcoming trainings. If she's not, feel free to pass along the information to your teams. 

Online Steps to Success Info and Link

The Main Course Info and Link 
{New Velata specific training!}

Leadership Chat Link 
{This one is just for you not for your teams!}

October 2015 Leadership Chat

We're excited to chat with you this month during our leadership chat.

Join us Tuesday, October 13th at 9:00 pm CST. Chat with you then!