Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November Leadership Chat

The Holidays are here and we're already looking towards next year. Join us tonight as we chat about some upcoming events and training for you to be a part of. 

Join us live at 9:00 pm CST or use the same link to watch the recording back at your convenience. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

October Director Update: Training Baby Elephants

This is such an exciting time to be a part of the Scentsy Family. I love the way our businesses are moving and growing right now. All that excitement is part of the reason I've continued to "work" while having a newborn. But it's also the way that I've overwhelmed myself. 

I recently listened to another great podcast (are you tired of me saying that yet?) To check out the full podcast, click here. My favorite part of this podcast was a story that Dave Ramsey told about how you train a baby elephant. I do my best to re-tell it in the video below, but you may learn more from listening to the real deal. : ) 

Here are the questions that I asked myself after hearing the baby elephant story. It may be helpful for you to ask yourself the same questions. 

  • What lies am I believing about myself and my ability?
  • What are the limiting beliefs I have that are based on a partial truth (maybe an element of truth, but a lot of lies) that prevent me from reaching my full potential....that prevent me from making my maximum contribution as leader, as a wife, as a mom, and as a friend?
  • What am I believing about myself and my story that isn't true? or Where in my life is a false belief holding me back? 
To see what's been up at the Dalke casa lately and to hear about some things we have coming up for you as leaders, check out the video below. 

Also, I thought I would include a few links that you may find helpful. Your SuperStar Director may or may not be sending out information to your team about the following upcoming trainings. If she's not, feel free to pass along the information to your teams. 

Online Steps to Success Info and Link

The Main Course Info and Link 
{New Velata specific training!}

Leadership Chat Link 
{This one is just for you not for your teams!}

October 2015 Leadership Chat

We're excited to chat with you this month during our leadership chat.

Join us Tuesday, October 13th at 9:00 pm CST. Chat with you then!


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Thought for the Week...Where are you growing? and The difference between trying and doing

I am so incredibly thankful for brilliant minds who come up with great ideas I can steal and share. Since I'm living with a 4 week old baby (and my hubby and 3 other kiddos), business is not "as usual." Business these days is a little more like "take what you can get."

We are not on any kind of schedule yet, and I'm fitting leadership and sales and recruiting into the nooks and crannies of the day, and that's okay for now.

I've been listening to a lot of podcasts and reading a lot more than usual while I've been nursing Miss Lucy. Let's be real, I'm also spending lots more time on Pinterest, pinning things I'll never have time to do, but let's just call that balance.

Today, I heard an amazing podcast over on EntreLeadership featuring leadership and personal development genius, Michael Hyatt. (You can listen to the full podcast here.)

He said a few things today that really made me perk up and listen. One was the about the difference between trying and doing. It's an incredible concept for us and our teams to take ownership of. (Hear more about it in the video below.)

The 2nd concept was centered around the question, "What area are you intentionally growing in right now?". Simple enough question, but it's one we should all be able to honestly answer at any point in time.

To name the area we are intentionally growing in, is the perfect example of having a working goal.

I know for me, in this current season of my life and business, I'm working on growing in discipline. I know that discipline in the small, everyday things is often what leads to success long term. So that's where I am. We're working on getting back on a schedule, getting back to my morning quiet time, getting back in the gym, getting back to intentional date nights.

Now, you may say that none of those things have to do with business, but I beg to differ. I know in my life, if the small, seemingly unimportant things aren't taken care of first, I can't lead well, sell well, or build a team well.

To hear more about these 2 concepts and how they're playing out in my life, and what they have to do with your life and leading your teams, check out this quick video.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 2015 Leadership Chat

Join us tonight, September 8th @ 9:00 pm CST immediately following Online Steps to Success for our monthly leadership chat.

To join us, click here or go to http://www.spreecast.com/events/leadership-chat-september-2015. We look forward to chatting with you soon!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Leadership Update....What's Between Your Ears?

Hi loves!

What an exciting time of year it is as we transition to this amazing Fall catalog! I hope you're feeling the momentum.

I wanted to take a few minutes out of our newborn life and shoot a quick video to encourage you. As leaders, you have been on my heart for a while. I've been thinking about you and praying for you a lot  lately.

I plan on using this website more over the coming weeks and months to keep you updated and inspired and to share ideas. I've found that I can quickly post here without much hassle and reach all of you at the same time, so I'm going to utilize it more.

I can't promise that I'll send an email every time I post here, but if you want to make sure you don't miss a post, you can subscribe to the website by email on the right hand side of the site. That will ensure that you receive an email automatically every time I update here.

I hope you're September is off to a great start. From the looks of things on my end, it appears to be!

Talk to you soon....
A tired, inspired, and very blessed momma and SuperStar Director,
Allison Dalke

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 2015 Leadership Chat

If you missed our May 2015 Leadership Chat, you can check it out below.

Spreecast is the social video platform that connects people.
Check out Leadership Chat May 2015 on Spreecast.

April 2015 Leadership Chat

If you missed our April 2015 Leadership Chat, you can check it out below.

Spreecast is the social video platform that connects people.
Check out April 2015 Leadership Chat on Spreecast.

February 2015 Leadership Chat

If you missed our February 2015 Leadership Chat, you can check it out below.

Spreecast is the social video platform that connects people.
Check out February 2015 Leadership Chat on Spreecast.

January 2015 Leadership Chat

If you missed our January 2015 Leadership chat, you can check it out below.

Spreecast is the social video platform that connects people.
Check out January Leadership Chat on Spreecast.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

2015 Shine Your Light Leadership Guide

For those of you who joined us at this Saturday's Just for You Director Saturday, you received one of these helpful business tools in a printed form.

If you weren't able to join us, we wanted to give you access to the same document. I think you'll find it useful in your personal and leadership goal setting and business planning this year.

Click the links below to access the files via google docs.


Shine Your Light Cover Page

2015 Leadership Goal Calendar

2015 Leadership Guide

2015 Systems Checklist