Thursday, September 3, 2015

Leadership Update....What's Between Your Ears?

Hi loves!

What an exciting time of year it is as we transition to this amazing Fall catalog! I hope you're feeling the momentum.

I wanted to take a few minutes out of our newborn life and shoot a quick video to encourage you. As leaders, you have been on my heart for a while. I've been thinking about you and praying for you a lot  lately.

I plan on using this website more over the coming weeks and months to keep you updated and inspired and to share ideas. I've found that I can quickly post here without much hassle and reach all of you at the same time, so I'm going to utilize it more.

I can't promise that I'll send an email every time I post here, but if you want to make sure you don't miss a post, you can subscribe to the website by email on the right hand side of the site. That will ensure that you receive an email automatically every time I update here.

I hope you're September is off to a great start. From the looks of things on my end, it appears to be!

Talk to you soon....
A tired, inspired, and very blessed momma and SuperStar Director,
Allison Dalke

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Allison :) congratulations on the beautiful new blessing in the Dalke family and love you too xo
